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New set of wooden fingerboard of a higher class.
The set includes bearing wheels that ensure a perfectly smooth ride, a foam grip for perfect control of the fingerboard and professional trucks with Teflon rubbers for great suspension of the fingerboard.
The PREMIUM trucks represent a new generation of trucks with new hanger shapes, which, using new technology, have only 1 axle running across the entire width of the trucks, which makes them even stronger, wider and better than the 2-axle REGULAR trucks.
The package contains:
1x wooden 5-layer board (100% Canadian maple)
4x bearing wheels
2x treks
1x assembly key
all necessary screws
New set of wooden fingerboard of a higher class.
The set includes bearing wheels that ensure a perfectly smooth ride, a foam grip for perfect control of the fingerboard and professional trucks with Teflon rubbers for great suspension of the fingerboard.
The PREMIUM trucks represent a new generation of trucks with new hanger shapes, which, using new technology, have only 1 axle running across the entire width of the trucks, which makes them even stronger, wider and better than the 2-axle REGULAR trucks.
The package contains:
1x wooden 5-layer board (100% Canadian maple)
4x bearing wheels
2x treks
1x assembly key
all necessary screws
New set of wooden fingerboard of a higher class.
The set includes bearing wheels that ensure a perfectly smooth ride, a foam grip for perfect control of the fingerboard and professional trucks with Teflon rubbers for great suspension of the fingerboard.
The PREMIUM trucks represent a new generation of trucks with new hanger shapes, which, using new technology, have only 1 axle running across the entire width of the trucks, which makes them even stronger, wider and better than the 2-axle REGULAR trucks.
The package contains:
1x wooden 5-layer board (100% Canadian maple)
4x bearing wheels
2x treks
1x assembly key
all necessary screws
New set of wooden fingerboard of a higher class.
The set includes bearing wheels that ensure a perfectly smooth ride, a foam grip for perfect control of the fingerboard and professional trucks with Teflon rubbers for great suspension of the fingerboard.
The PREMIUM trucks represent a new generation of trucks with new hanger shapes, which, using new technology, have only 1 axle running across the entire width of the trucks, which makes them even stronger, wider and better than the 2-axle REGULAR trucks.
The package contains:
1x wooden 5-layer board (100% Canadian maple)
4x bearing wheels
2x treks
1x assembly key
all necessary screws
Uprednostňujeme kvalitu
Výrobu spúšťame až v momente, keď si niečo objednáte, čím sa môžeme viac zamerať na kvalitu jednotlivého produktu.
Myslíme ekologicky
Starostlivo zvažujeme výber materiálov, nevyrábame vopred na sklad a netvoríme odpad, aký vzniká pri masovej výrobe.
Dbáme na vašu spokojnosť
Kontrolujeme celý proces výroby, balenia a expedície, aby k vám prišiel produkt čo najskôr a bez akéhokoľvek poškodenia.
Snažíme sa priblížiť filozofií Just in time a preto nedržíme a nevyrábame produkty na sklad. Celý proces výroby sa spúšťa v momente, keď sa vytvorí požiadavka od vás.
Vyrobené na zákazku
Každý kúsok vyrábame do objednávky na mieru práve pre Teba, pričom kladieme dôraz na kvalitu a nie na kvantitu.
Proces GM+ sa správa ekologickejšie k celému výrobnému procesu. Starostlivo zvažujeme výber materiálov a pri samotnej výrobe sa snažíme hľadať viac ekologických a dostupných alternatív. Pri dizajnovaní, výrobe aj expedovaní sme rýchlejší, flexibilnejší, ekologickejší, netvoríme odpad. Chceme, aby sme všetci mohli nakupovať od svojich „vzorov“ bez pocitu nekvality a s pocitom dobrého osobného zážitku z jeho nosenia.
Sme spoločnosť, ktorá má vlastné zdroje a zázemie a tak sa môžeme spoliehať samy na seba. To je zodpovedný prístup k zodpovednej výrobe.